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DeRF User Permissions

DeRF Execution Permissions

The permissions assigned to the derf-execution-users or the DeRF-Default-User are NOT documented here. Rather, this is a guide as to where you can find those permissions and how to update them.

Execution User Group Membership

Both User 01 and 02 are members of the derf-execution-users group, allowing them to perform all the same attack techniques outlined in the DeRF.

DeRF Execution User - Policy Assignments

Every attack technique is responsible for creating a policy containing the permissions needed to execute the attack and assigning it to the derf-execution-users group. The policy and group assignments are found in the file within the /attack-techniques/aws/permissions-required module.

DeRF Default User - Policy Assignments

If an attack technique needs the default user to reverse a state changing action or perform another task that should not be attributed to the execution users, the module is responsible for creating a policy containing the necessary permissions and attaching it to the DeRF-Default-User. The policy and group assignments are found in the file within the /attack-techniques/aws/permissions-required module.